On a Spaceship to Belfast with Jo Zebedee

JO ZEBEDEE is a Northern Irish science fiction and fantasy writer.

She is based in Carrickfergus, near Belfast. She is the author of five speculative fiction books that include Abendau, a dark Space Opera series (Tickety Boo Press). Jo loves using Northern Ireland as a setting: Inish Carraig is about an alien invasion in Belfast, while Waters and the Wild (Quill) is a fantasy about a girl who disappears and in transported in the world of fairies in Antrim Glen.

Her sixth book, The Wildest Hunt, is due for release this winter.

Jo also helps to run The Secret Bookshelf in Carrickfergus and is a management consultant. Jo is doing a lot of work to spread knowledge of speculative fiction in Ireland: she is the founder of OtherworldsNI, a community group for speculative fiction writers, and is chair of Titancon, Belfast’s annual spec fiction convention. Among all things speculative, Jo thinks cloning technology is a good thing and that she might actually do with a clone!


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