The Energy Management Guru

NOELIA SIERRA comes from a small town in Toledo, Spain. She moved to Dublin in 2006 to work as an au pair and learn English. Her initial plan was to stay for six months, she ended up staying 16 years and counting. Definitely, she didn’t expect that this country would have changed her personal and professional life forever.

After her experience as an au pair she decided to stay and work in the tech industry for different groups. The last one was LinkedIn where she carved her career up becoming a manager and building top performance teams through coaching.

Here she found her passion for energy management and coaching, becoming a mental health advocate during the pandemic times. “I believe learning to manage your energy and the energy coming your way can transform your experience in life. When our energies physical, emotional, mental & spiritual are in balance, we feel better and therefore we become more productive.”

Thanks to her knowledge of energy management techniques she managed to overcome the challenges of the year 2020 and to help others to stay positive.

In 2020 she lost her job at LinkedIn, her mom was diagnosed with a rare disease and Noelia almost died due to anaphylaxis shock. However Noelia focused her energy on the things that helped her to stay strong and happy.

She became a Zumba Instructor back in April, taught in team meetings and helped her colleagues to forget about what was going outside through dancing. She also got her Hatha Yoga Teacher certification and spent a month in the forest in Portugal.

In 2021 she set up her own business, a Consultancy Firm where she guides people through energy management techniques to reach their goals.

“I use the energy management philosophy and my expertises in the recruitment and digital world to support my clients to find their dream job, change careers or understand better their teams to deliver the best results in these uncertain times.”

Noelia has created a group on LinkedIn called NEXT Play dedicated to job seekers and hiring managers where she shares her knowledge about this powerful platform, jobs industry, interviews preparation and so on.

She also runs webinar in Universities where she guides young talent to plan strategically their careers.

Companies and leaders love her workshops around energy management as they can understand better their teams and see improvements in their results and trust building.

She became an energy management guru.

Follow her @NoeliaSierraCoach

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